DSSA Sinarmas lini bisnis Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik

Capital decrease in subsidiary

Based on the approval letter by the Minister of Law and Human Rights of Republic of Indonesia No. AHU-0008745.AH.01.02.TAHUN 2017 dated April 16, 2017, PT Citra Alam Indah, Company’s indirect subsidiary with effective ownership more than 99%, has decreased its issued and paid up capital from Rp 117,692,000,000 consisting of 117,692 shares to Rp 106,692,000,000 consisting of 106,692 shares, by withdrawing 11,000 shares. Shareholding structure of PT Citra Alam Indah after the above-mentioned capital decrease consists of PT Bumi Kencana Eka Sejahtera as the owner of 106,691 shares with nominal value of Rp 106,691,000,000 and the Company as the owner of 1 share with nominal value of Rp 1,000,000.