DSSA Sinarmas lini bisnis Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik

Partnership with MyRepublic Group Singapore

In accordance with Bapepam and LK Regulation No. X.K.1 regarding the Information That Has To Be Made Public Immediately, PT Dian Swastatika Sentosa Tbk (“Company”), hereby announces, that based on the Deed of Shareholders Resolutions No. 19, dated May 10, 2016, made before Desman, S.H., M.Hum., notary in Jakarta, PT Innovate Mas Utama (Company’s indirect subsidiary), transferred 712,500 shares owned in PT Innovate Mas Indonesia (Company’s indirect subsidiary) to MyRepublic Corporate Pte. Ltd., and 37,500 shares owned in PT Innovate Mas Indonesia to MyRepublic Limited. The consideration for such share transfer is 21,058,586 new shares in MyRepublic Group Limited. Shareholding structure of PT Innovate Mas Indonesia after the above-mentioned share transfer consists of PT Innovate Mas Utama as the owner of 2,625,000 shares with nominal value of Rp.262,500,000,000 (equal to 70% ownership), MyRepublic Corporate Pte. Ltd. as the owner of 712,500 shares with nominal value of Rp.71,250,000,000 (equal to 19% ownership), MyRepublic Limited as the owner of 37,500 shares with nominal value of Rp.3,750,000,000 (equal to 1% ownership), and PT Gema Lintas Benua as the owner of 375,000 shares with nominal value of Rp.37,500,000,000 (equal to 10% ownership).

Furthermore, based on the Deed of Shareholders Resolutions No. 22, dated May 10, 2016, made before Desman, S.H., M.Hum., notary in Jakarta, PT Eka Mas Republik (Company’s indirect subsidiary), increased its authorized capital from Rp.1,000,000,000 consisting of 1,000 shares to Rp.10,000,000,000 consisting of 10,000 shares. PT Eka Mas Republik also increased its issued and paid-up capital from Rp.300,000,000 consisting of 300 shares to Rp.2,500,000,000 consisting of 2,500 shares, by issuing 2,200 new shares. Those new shares were subscribed by PT Innovate Mas Utama with total of 1,700 shares, and MyRepublic Corporate Pte. Ltd with total of 500 shares. At the same time, PT Sinarmas Sukses Sejahtera (Company’s indirect subsidiary), transferred 1 share owned in PT Eka Mas Republik to PT Innovate Mas Utama. Shareholding structure of PT Eka Mas Republik after the above-mentioned capital increase and share transfer consists of PT Innovate Mas Utama as the owner of 2,000 shares with nominal value of Rp.2,000,000,000 (equal to 80% ownership), and MyRepublic Corporate Pte. Ltd. as the owner of 500 shares with nominal value of Rp.500,000,000 (equal to 20% ownership).

This partnership is expected to bring added value to the multimedia business line operated by the Company’s subsidiaries, specifically PT Innovate Mas Indonesia and PT Eka Mas Republik.