DSSA Sinarmas lini bisnis Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik

Capital Decrease in Subsidiary

In accordance with Bapepam and LK Regulation No. IX.E.1 regarding Affiliated Transaction and Conflict of Interest on Certain Transaction, PT Dian Swastatika Sentosa Tbk (“Company”) hereby announces that based on the approval letter by the Minister of Law and Human Rights of Republic of Indonesia No. AHU-0003471.AH.01.02.TAHUN 2016 dated February 22, 2016, PT DSSA Mas Infrastruktur, Company’s direct subsidiary with ownership more than 99%, has decreased its issued and paid up capital from Rp 130,000,000,000 consisting of 130,000 shares to Rp 30,000,000,000 consisting of 30,000 shares, by withdrawing 100,000 shares. In connection with the above-mentioned capital decrease, PT DSSA Mas Infrastruktur has also decreased its authorized capital from Rp 500,000,000,000 consisting of 500,000 shares to Rp 100,000,000,000 consisting of 100,000 shares. Shareholding structure of PT DSSA Mas Infrastruktur after the above-mentioned capital decrease consists of the Company as the owner of 29,990 shares with nominal value of Rp 29,990,000,000 and PT Sinar Mas Tunggal as the owner of 10 shares with nominal value of Rp 10,000,000.

The fund from the capital decrease will be used to support business expansion in other subsidiaries.

Thank you for your attention.