DSSA Sinarmas lini bisnis Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik


PT Surya Kalimantan Sejati, PT Persada Makmur Sejahtera, and Hillmas Coal Pte. Ltd., Company’s indirect subsidiaries, established PT Surya Kalimantan Sejati Dua and PT Persada Makmur Selaras Dua, both under the laws of Republic Indonesia.

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In accordance with Bapepam and LK Rule No. X.K.1 regarding Disclosure of Information That Has To Be Made Public Immediately, the Company hereby announces that the Company plans to reduce the authorized capital, and issued and paid up capital of PT DSSA Mas Infrastruktur, Company’s direct subsidiary with ownership more than 99%.

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 Capital Increase in PT DSSE Energi Mas Utama and PT DSSP Power Mas Utama

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