DSSA Sinarmas lini bisnis Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik

Press Release

KENDARI, October 17, 2018 – PT DSSP Power Kendari, through the EDP (Engineering Development Program) and PTPL (Electrical Power Generation Education) programs, has prepared Bachelor/Diploma and high school/vocational high school graduates to become electrical engineers, operators, and technicians.

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PT DSSP Power Kendari ("DSSP") has entered construction phase of coal-fired power plant IPP Kendari-3 with capacity of 2 X 50 MW ("PLTU") located at Tanjung Tiram, South Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi.

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JAKARTA - Today, the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of PT Dian Swastatika Sentosa, which was held at Hotel Pullman Jakarta, has approved the following agenda

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