Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is an organ of the Company authorized to perform the management of the Company, representing the Company in and out of court, responsible for long-term sustainability of the company, and is accountable for the performance of its duties and responsibilities to the shareholders in the GMS.

Proposal for the appointment, dismissal, and/or replacement of members of the Board of Directors are conducted by the Board of Commissioners with regard to the recommendations of the Nomination Committee, to be proposed in the GMS. The appointment of members of the Board of Directors shall be effective from the date of the GMS.

Members of the Board of Directors are appointed by GMS for a period of 5 (five) years. Nonetheless, the GMS is entitled to dismiss the members of the Board of Directors at any time before the end of the tenure.

Duties, Authorities, and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors


  1. Review and approve the Company’s vision and mission together at least once every 5 (five) years
  2. Lead and manage the Company in accordance with the Company’s purpose and objective, with good faith, prudence for the Company’s interests, and free from conflicts of interests
  3. Maintain and manage the Company’s assets for the Company’s interest
  4. Conduct GCG, create internal control structure, ensure internal audit function in every Company’s business and in accordance with the guidance or policies from the Board of Commissioners
  5. Prepare the development plan for the Company, annual business and budget plan of the Company, including any other plan that is related to the Company’s business and informs it to the Board of Commissioners to obtain approval from the Board of Commissioners, before the next fiscal year, by taking into account the applicable regulations in capital market
  6. Administer and maintain the Company’s bookkeeping in accordance with the standards reasonably applicable to a company
  7. Create accounting system with internal control basis, especially on the separations of managing, recording, saving, and supervising functions
  8. Deliver accountability and provide information about the condition of the Company, in the form of Company’s activities report, including Financial Statements, either in the form of Annual Reports or any other form of periodic reports, in accordance with procedure and schedule set in Articles of Association of the Company and/or anytime asked by the Board of Commissioners
  9. Provide accurate, relevant, and timely data and information to the Board of Commissioners
  10. Establish an Internal Audit Unit led by the head of the Internal Audit Unit and may form other committee or unit (if needed)
  11. Follow up audit findings and recommendation from the Audit Committee, Internal Audit Unit, external auditor, and/or supervisory notice from capital market authority
  12. Arrange the organizational structure of the Company
  13. File the Company’s Financial Statement to AP to be audited
  14. File accountability reports on the management of the Company for 1 (one) year to GMS at the latest 6 (six) months after the closing of fiscal year of the Company
  15. Submit report and disclosure of information to OJK, IDX, and any other authority in accordance with applicable regulations
  16. Hold at least one public expose in a year in accordance with procedure and requirements stipulated in applicable capital market regulations


The authority of 2 (two) directors together as stipulated in the Company’s Articles of Association, including the following:

  • Represent the Company, both inside and outside the court regarding all matters and in all events
  • Bind the Company with other parties and other parties with the Company
  • With the approval of the Board of Commissioners:
    • Borrow or lend money on behalf of the Company (not including withdrawing the Company’s money from the bank)
    • Establish business(es) or participate in other domestic or foreign companies
    • Purchase fixed assets other than that of daily business activities with a value of more than Rp 5 billion
    • Rent or lease out the Company’s assets other than that of daily business activities with a value of more than Rp 5 billion
    • Sell or in other ways release the rights of fixed assets and companies or to burden fixed assets of the Company with value of up to 50% of the Company’s assests
    • Bind the Company as a guarantor with value of up to 50% of the Company’s assests
    • Acquire a company
  • With approval of the GMS:
    • Carry out legal actions in the form of transactions that contain conflicts of personal economic interests of the members of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners or shareholders, with the economic interests of the Company
    • Transfer the assets of the Company or make guarantee for debt of the Company’s, which is more than 50% of the total net assets of the Company in 1 (one) financial year, wether in 1 (one) transaction or more, whether related to one another or not, one another in accordance with the provisions of Article 102 UUPT
    • File for bankruptcy of the Company

The Company prohibits member of the Board of Directors from representing the Company in the event of a case in court between the Company and the member of the Board of Directors concerned, or the relevant member of the Board of Directors has conflict of interest, or the relevant member of the Board of Directors is temporarily dismissed.


In accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association, each member of the Board of Directors is responsible for the losses sustained by the Company if he/she has been at fault or in failure in performing his/her duties.

The Board of Directors shall not be held liable for any loss sustained by the Company when he/she can prove that:

  • The loss is not caused by his/her fault or failure
  • He/she has conducted supervision in good faith, reponsibly, and prudence for the benefit of the Company and in accordance with the aims and objectives of the Company
  • He/she has no personal interest either directly or indirectly for the management actions which results in losses, and
  • He/she has taken necessary measures to prevent the occurrence or continuation of such losses