Risk Management Committee is a committee established by the Company to assist in the implementation of duties of the Board of Commissioners related to the supervisory of the implementation of policies and risk management of the Company.
Members of the Risk Management Committee are appointed and dismissed by the Board of Commissioners. Risk Management Committee membership ends if a member of the Risk Management Committee is disqualified based on statutory provisions, resigns, retires, or is not re-elected as a member of the Risk Management Committee. The service period of the Risk Management Committee is the same as the service period of the Board of Commissioners.
The Risk Management Committee consists of at least 2 (two) members from the Independent Commissioners and external parties, whereas 1 (one) Independent Commissioner acting as the chairperson.
Duties, Authorities, and Responsibilities
The duties, authorities, and responsibilities of the Risk Management Committee are as follows:
• Develop policies related to risk assessment and management
• Review the implementation of the Company’s risk management policies
• Provide recommendations for improvement and submit the results of the review to the Board of Commissioners