PT Dian Swastatika Sentosa Tbk (the “Company”) received 2 (two) corporate governance awards for the “Best Responsibility of the Board” category and the “Top 50 Big Capitalization Public Listed Company” category in the 15th IICD Corporate Governance Award 2024 organized by the Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (“IICD”) at Pullman Hotel Thamrin Jakarta.
The Company has received the Top 50 Public Listed Company award for 9 (nine) consecutive periods. The Company has also received the "Best Disclosure and Transparency Big-Cap" (2021), the "Best Overall Mid-Cap" (2022), and the “Best Equitable Treatment of Shareholders” (2023) categories.
At the same event, PT Golden Energy Mines Tbk (“GEMS”), a subsidiary, received the corporate governance award in the “Top 50 Big Capitalization Public Listed Company” category from IICD. GEMS has won the Top 50 Public Listed Company award for 11 (eleven) consecutive periods.
The event with the theme "Taking Indonesia Corporate Governance to the Top ASEAN Level", is an annual award event organized by IICD to recognize public companies that have successfully implemented the best Good Corporate Governance (“GCG”) practices.
This award shows the Company's commitment to bringing innovation in applying GCG principles and best practices to support the growth and long-term sustainability of the Company's business.